It's the small day to day memories I want to remember- sitting at lunch together, making jokes, acting silly, being kids for the last time. I'll never forget how much fun it was when Diana and I were playing a game of cat and mouse with Gamba when we took his wrapping paper. We ran through the councilor's center and down the halls, laughing the entire way. Or the pep rally when the seniors won the spirt stick and the entire class of 2011 stood up to cheer and yell in triumph. Or just all the inside jokes we've had over the years. All these moments add up to the highlights of senior year.
While I'm unsure of what the future holds for me, there's comfort in enjoying the now and making every moment count.
Cherish it even at odd moments; Live it fully without constraint; Photograph it with your memory; Remember it fondly, even the bad parts; Love it even as you know it is the high school experience; Realize you can't go back to it; Share it with Friends; Dance it in the hallways; Sing it at noontimes; Laugh it when you most need to; Cry it likewise when the situation requires; Be Happy Always.